Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Create a Comic Strip

We will be using this fun and interactive site to create comic strips this week. Try it out for yourself!

Comic Strip Creator

Seems like fun and games...(which it is) but really the comic strip is part of our lesson on homophones. Hmmmm....you will just have to be in the class on Thursday to see what I am talking about.
Mrs. Adderley

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Grammar Rock Verb

Verb Song

Verbs are very active!

This week we will be exploring VERBS. We will also be writing stories that contain dialog. Students will read examples of stories with dialog in them and then create their own. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

Mrs. Adderley

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nouns....person, place, and thing!

We have finally finished our noun unit. We will take a big test on nouns this Thursday. Don't worry you will do amazing. We will review Tuesday and Wednesday for the test. This test will cover: common nouns, proper nouns, plural nouns, irregular plural nouns, possessive nouns, and plural possessive nouns. We are going to create posters all about nouns to hang on our classroom bulletin board. This should be fun. These will be a little like the noun pyramids that you guys created last week. They sure look great! Make sure to check them out hanging by the office.