Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Well now that wonderful snow day has sure gone and messed things up....

I have decided to move the Unit 1-3 grammar test to Friday.  I do not want to rush the review.  So, we will have our DOL quiz on Thursday instead of Friday.  Don't forget to do your spellingcity.com homework.  You need to complete 4 activities at spellingcity.com before Friday morning.  We will work on the grammar review packet all week to prepare for the test on Friday.  You will hand in the completed review/study guide on Friday morning before the test.  Any questions please ask!!!!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Unit test!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh no....now don't worry you will do fine!

This week we will be reviewing sentence structure, nouns, and verbs in preparation for our unit test on Thursday.  I will hand out a study guide on Tuesday and we will work on this as a way of preparing for the test.  It is very important that you look over the whole study guide to refresh your memory about the different grammar rules that we have learned so far this year.  I know you will do fabulous.

I sure hope everyone enjoyed the snow day.  I know I did, but now we need to get back to learning!  So, sit back and prepare for a week full of good grammar!

Mrs. Adderley