Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Helping Verbs

We will be learning about the 23 helping verbs this week. Start learning the Helping Verb song. We will have a DOL quiz and spelling test on Friday.
Mrs. Adderley

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Create a Comic Strip

We will be using this fun and interactive site to create comic strips this week. Try it out for yourself!

Comic Strip Creator

Seems like fun and games...(which it is) but really the comic strip is part of our lesson on homophones. will just have to be in the class on Thursday to see what I am talking about.
Mrs. Adderley

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Grammar Rock Verb

Verb Song

Verbs are very active!

This week we will be exploring VERBS. We will also be writing stories that contain dialog. Students will read examples of stories with dialog in them and then create their own. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

Mrs. Adderley

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nouns....person, place, and thing!

We have finally finished our noun unit. We will take a big test on nouns this Thursday. Don't worry you will do amazing. We will review Tuesday and Wednesday for the test. This test will cover: common nouns, proper nouns, plural nouns, irregular plural nouns, possessive nouns, and plural possessive nouns. We are going to create posters all about nouns to hang on our classroom bulletin board. This should be fun. These will be a little like the noun pyramids that you guys created last week. They sure look great! Make sure to check them out hanging by the office.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Possessive Nouns

This week we continue to learn about possessive nouns. As we found out last week that pesky Greedy Apostrophe really confuses people when they are trying to make possessives! I sure hope that by the end of this week we can catch Greedy Apostrophe and be done with him once and for all! Remember when we make a singular noun possessive we add an 's - and ONLY an 's! We do not change the ending or spelling of the word like we did when we made the word plural!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Irregular plural nouns...

This week we will be learning about irregular plural nouns. You know these are those pesky words that you don't add an -s or -es to them to make them plural. Like wolf, which becomes wolves and goose which becomes geese. We will be playing a bingo game to help practice and identify these words.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Proper Nouns

This week we will be learning all about proper nouns. These are those nouns that get to have capital letters. They are special! and proper! Ha...not really. A proper noun is a person, place, and or thing...just like a regular noun, BUT it refers to a specific person, place, and or thing. So for example while the word zoo is not capitalized...the word Tyler Zoo is. Get it? Well you will by the end of our proper noun lesson!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Persuasive arguments....

Today we get to argue our persuasive arguments to the class and our classmates get to rate them and decide who was the most persuasive. Never fear!!! I plan to video the arguements and post them here! So check back for them this week!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Persuasion Is All Around You

Thursday, Sept 30....
Tonight you need to locate an example of persuasion.
Look in magazines, newspaper, mail, internet.
Once you have located an example
fill out the "Persuasion Is All Around You" worksheet.
Remember to bring your example to class.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

This week we will be arguing....

our position on a point. This is called a persuasive argument. We will learn all about this technique and then present our own persuasive argument to the class. This will be a 4 day lesson and we will be spending the whole class period on it spelling this week.

Remember we have a Unit 1 test on Tuesday. Study, study, study!!!

Mrs. Adderley

The intention of Persuasive Writing is to influence the reader to change the way he or she thinks or acts. The writer tries to convince the reader through argument or advice to believe or do as the writer thinks should be believed or done. In persuasive writing, the author states and supports opinion and then tries to get the reader to agree of take an action.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sentence Structure Games to try

Here is a great link to a website full of games to practice sentence structure:

Have fun and remember this will help you to prepare for the Unit test on Tuesday.


We will be having a Unit test next week and you also have a Storybird this week. Both of these assignments will involve conjuctions. I have found a great site with all sorts of conjunctions. Here is the link:

I sure hope you find this link helpful and remeber - Conjuctions are the glue that hold the sentences together.

Mrs. Adderley

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I will miss you while I am gone...

Dear wonderful students,

As you all know I will be gone until Monday. I am confident that you will be perfect Angels for the substitute teachers that will be covering for me. Remember that you have a spelling test and a DOL/Grammar quiz on Tuesday. Use the worksheet that you get on Monday as a study guide for your DOL/Grammar quiz. I will post video from my race so make sure to check my blog over the weekend! I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.
Mrs. Adderley

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Monday September 13

Hello Students and Parents,

Today is an early dismissal day due to our monthly staff meeting! Also this week will be slightly different due to the fact that I will be gone Thursday-Monday. The students will not have a spelling test or DOL/Grammar quiz until I get back on Tuesday. Don't worry...I will make sure that they are prepared for the quiz before I give it to them. If I get back and decide that we need to spend a day reviewing then we will take the test on Wednesday. I would never give the students a test or quiz if I didn't feel that they had been adequately prepared for in the class. This week we will be learning about clauses and complex sentences. We have been building this concept for several weeks. The students have created compound subjects, compound predicates, and compound sentences. We have learned that we need to add a connecting word such as and, or, but when combining these different elements. We also learned that we need a comma before the conjunction if we are combining independent clauses. Our ultimate goal in learning all of these concepts is for their writing to be descriptive and complex. My hope for the students is that when they write they will use a combination of simple, compound, and complex sentences effortlessly.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 11....How we remember

Today in class I talked with my students about Sept 11. Most of them were not born yet and if they were born they were under a year old. I read to them from several non-fiction books about the terrorist attacks. We discussed that heroes come in all shapes and sizes. I read a book about rescue dogs, fire fighters, police, 911 operators, and everyday citizens who risked their lives to help rescue the victims of September 11, 2001. I hope that the patriotism and love of country that all Americans felt that day lasts for many years.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

SchoolHouse Rock - Grammar The Tale Of Mr Morton

Conjunction Junction

This week we have been learning about conjuctions, compound sentences, clauses, subjects and predicates. The students have enjoyed watching some School House Rock videos. I sure hope you enjoy them also.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tuesday September 7, 2010

Welcome back. I sure hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. This week we will be working with compound sentences. We will learn what a clause is and how to identify different types of clauses in sentences. Also we will learn when to use semicolons and continue to find out more about conjunctions. Friday is our 911 Flag ceremony, but we will still have our weekly DOL/Grammar quiz and our spelling test.
Mrs. Adderley

Friday, September 3, 2010

Well it is Friday and we have a 3 day weekend ahead of use! I sure hope everyone has a great weekend. You have no spelling or Language arts homework this weekend. See you all on Tuesday.
Mrs. Adderley

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday September 2, 2010

Today we watched a video all about subjects and predicates. Tomorrow we have a DOL/Grammar quiz and a spelling test! Make sure to study. I made up a study guide for the grammar quiz. If you missplaced it you can find a link to the document at Edline. Friday after our quiz and test we will look at our storybirds. I can't wait to see everyone's stories. - Mrs. Adderley

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday September 1

It was great getting a chance to meet everyone at back to school night! On Wednesday the students will be starting to review for the grammar quiz on Friday. The quiz will cover all we have learned about predicates and subjects this week. We will also have a spelling test on Friday. Homework for tonight is to make sure that you have practiced your spelling words at spellingcity and if you don't finish the grammar worksheet in class today you will need to complete that also.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday! August 31....Back to School Night... I can't wait to meet everyone's parents at Back to School Night 2010. Please make sure to finish up your Spellingcity assignment before Thursday. Just log in to spellingcity using the login that I gave you in class and do 3 activites. Have fun...oh and you are also learning your spelling words at the same time! Awesome! Thursday evening your Spellingcity assignment is to take a test. I will show you how to do this in class on Wednesday.
Mrs. Adderley

Friday, August 27, 2010


Dear Students,

We had a great week. You guys have really done a great job on your storybirds. I have enjoyed reading them. This weekend please work on your Personal Narrative. This is due on Tuesday. Make sure to publish it as private and to select Personal Narrative Try 2 when sending it to me. Have a great weekend and see you Monday!
Mrs. Adderley

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Almost Friday...
Today the students reviewed for their spelling test and grammar/DOL quiz tomorrow. Make sure to study tonight for spelling. You can go to to practice your spelling words. We also have been hard at work on our storybirds. Boy o boy do they look great. Remember if you have not sent me a practice story that needs to be done by tomorrow! Mrs. Adderley

Monday, August 23, 2010


Monday August 23, 2010
Tonight the 4th grade have a spelling worksheet to complete (if they didn't finish in class) and they need to create a practice Storybird and send it to me. I explained to them how to do this and sent home everyone's user name and password. If you have any trouble with this assignment please email me at

Have a great Monday!
Mrs. Adderley

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Almost done with the first week..

The first day of school came and went and then before we knew it it was the 4th day of school! So far things in 4th grade have been pretty laid back, but don't worry next week we will be starting spelling and we will begin writing our personal narratives in storybird. I suggest everyone takes the time this weekend to visit storybird. Friday is almost here and I know everyone is excited about the weekend. I know I can't wait to go to the Captains Baseball game on Saturday and see Bishop Duca throw out the first pitch! I sure hope to see you there too!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Welcome Back to school Students!!!!

Summer vacation has ended and now it is time to get back to business! I am excited about the new school year. The library has a new program to locate books called Destiny Quest. Some of you used it last year. I will be explaining this awesome new program to all students the second week of school. We also have a bunch of new books that are just waiting for you to check out! So stop by and see what is happening at the Library!

For those of you who are in 4th grade I am really looking forward to spending the morning hours with you learning all about Language Arts and Spelling. We will be using Spelling City again this year as well as a bunch of other fabulous learning tools. I can't wait to get started! We are going to have a blast!

See you all soon,
Mrs. Adderley

Friday, April 23, 2010

Welcome to Mrs. Adderley's Blog

Here you will find many useful items. This blog will include classwork, homework, important announcements, links to different websites, and much much more!